General Information

regulations book
You're new to Darkened Skies, well if there is anything you need to know, you can find it here. If you do not understand anything you find here, or have a question, feel free to private message or catch a staff member in the chatbox. We're here to help.

Any site updates will be located in this board. The full details will be enclosed here and if you have any questions what so ever, private message a staff member and we will try to explain to you better.

This is where you will find the staff of Darkened Skies discussing and finalizing the details of the site. Any suggestions given in the suggestion board will be discussed here. Plot progresses and happenings will also be discussed here.

In this board, you can create a thread to give us suggestions - be it as a guest or as a member of the site; we'd love to hear feed back from you. We simply ask that you keep any trouble to private messaging and if you require assistance from a staff member; please private message us.


This is your second stop when you've signed up. We ask that each character has a biography written up so then we don't have cats randomly appearing here and there. We only ask that you stick to our biography form and that you wait for a staff member to accept your character before role-playing.

All the site wide claims will be located here. We ask that once you are accepted that you post in the rightful threads. It will help keep the site organized and help us when an activity check comes up.

This is the board in which you post your plotters. Please make sure that you have one plotter per character. We all know that plots make the site go round; so get on in here and plot with us - we'd love to see the betrayals, the love, and even the heart-break come forth.

For those of us who need to keep track of our characters and their threads. One tracker per person please, we don't want to have five different threads made by one member - try to keep all characters to a single thread, it makes it neater. Thank you!


treeclan campsite
Hidden in a beautiful grove surrounded by bramble, bracken, bushes, and trees; there is a clan of camps that go by the name of TreeClan. TreeClan hails from their ancestors, ThunderClan from many, many moons ago. The clan's dens are constructed out of bramble and hollow trees and it's announcement spot is placed on the edge of camp on a high branch.

great oak
At the great oak the leader addresses important issues to the clan and holds ceremonies for cats of the clan. It is important to make sure that all cats attend these ceremonies.

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forest undergrowth
Surrounded by oak, birch, pine, and fir trees that make up this forest, there are lots of plants and weeds. The cats of TreeClan use this area for hunting as it is usually filled with all kinds of prey. There is a small stream that runs through the forest that gives the clan fresh water and is shallow enough where the ice can be stomped on until it breaks.

golden hollow
The territories were discovered in the fall when the leaves were orange, red, and gold. When the sun shines through them, it gave the hollow a golden, beautiful look. The clan called it the golden hollow and now uses it to train it's apprentices.


creekclan campsite
Usually lulled to sleep by the soft bubbling of water, CreekClan located itself in the fork of two creeks. Their camp is protected from behind by the deepest part of the creek and their front is guarded by a series of rocks and bushes. CreekClan's dens are formed in hollowed crevasses in the rocks and of bushes. Their announcements are given at the top of a black jagged rock.

black rock
The black rock is where the leader of CreekClan makes announcements and where ceremonies are held. It is important that all cats attend these ceremonies.

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reed clearing
The reeds line most of the shores of the creek. Not too far from the CreekClan camp, the reeds open up to a large clearing where the apprentices are trained, sheltered from unwelcome gazes. CreekClan is very serious about their training and often will train in rain, sleet, snow, or sun.

silver creek
At night, the moonlight is absolutely beautiful against the creek and makes it a pretty silver color. The creek runs through almost the entire territory and supplies CreekClan with most of it's food and resources.


hillclan campsite
HillClan makes it's home on the open moors. They sleep under the stars and remain in constant conditioning of the land. The kits and queens are kept in a rabbit burrow. The medicine cat on the other hand is placed in a small cave found in this jagged cliff at the edge of camp. The leader makes their announcements from the top of that jagged cliff.

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jagged cliff
Not too high off the ground, but it serves it's purpose. The jagged cliff is where the leader of HillClan calls the clan to come forward and hear the announcements and attend the ceremonies of their clanmates. It is important that all cats attend these meetings.

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windy moors
The moors are a plentiful hunting ground for the cats of HillClan. Most of these cats are fast, agile, and ambitious. They work hard for what they want and stop at nothing to protect and feed their clan. The moors are filled with field mice and rabbits.

sandy shore
The sandy shore is along a small pond in HillClan territory. The small body of water provides fresh water and a place to train their apprentices. HillClan prefers to train on the sand of the beach to prepare their apprentices and warriors to fight in different terrains.

outside the clans

high rock
The high rock marks the gathering place of the cats. It lies at the center of the clan territories and so allows a lot of convenience for all of the cats. The cats only meet once during the full moon, but there has been no peace as of yet at any of these gatherings.

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moon cavern
The moon cavern is a small tunnel that leads down into a cavern with a small puddle of water. While there is no light down there, the water still shimmers with a silver glow. When the cat's lap at the water and rest their head on their paws, they fall asleep and meet the ancestors.

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loner lands
The loner lands are filled with rogues and loner cats. Some are even former warriors that ran from their life and once had the blood of the great clans, ThunderClan, RiverClan, WindClan, and ShadowClan. Most cats forgot their origins, and those that remember are almost so old they are sure to only last a few more moons of their life.

two-leg place
The two-leg place is filled with rogues, strays, and kitty-pets. Most warriors try to avoid this place unless the medicine cat needs assistance with gathering herbs. The clans are mostly reluctant to allow cats from the kitty-pet place to get near their home.

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Member's Lounge

the lounge
Here you can talk about anything. You are welcome to post your personal writings, games, graphics and other fun and exciting things for the site to converse about. Please refrain from discussing anything that can be considered too extremely diplomatic because it could cause fights.

Our advertisement board; it's vital to a site's survival and to that of any others. We have three boards; one for each other the three categories; linking back, first timers and affiliations. We ask that you post in the respected board, and follow the advertisement rules. We only ask that if you should post your ad twice on our site; that we be aloud the same on yours.

the archives
This is where anything old, dead or completed is located - kinda like a graveyard of sorts. Any threads older then two weeks that have been inactive (with out reason) will be placed here. If you need a thread or character bio removed from this section please private message a staff member as there is no posting or replying to threads in this board.

games and contests
Here, you'll find a variety of games and contests you can take part in to earn our site currency, shells. Check back regularly for new earnings opportunities, you can spend shells on perks for your characters, so it's a good idea to stay involved here.


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